Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Saw the Sign....

Vintage signs are all the rage these days, and I thought I would share a sign I am really loving right  now.  I spotted it in the lastest LL Bean Home Catalog.  I love that it can be personalized to whatever location you pick.  I am toying with making the sign myself, but at $29.95, it might be worth ordering it (read: I am lazy).  I think the sign might be a bit too cottagey though for me, so I am considering revamping it to look a little more like the subway signs everyone is duplicating on blogland.

So what do you think?  Should I bite the bullet and buy it or should I be ambitious and make one?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it may be a bit too "cottagey" for you, but I can easily envision a sleek subway version in your home.

    Side note: the cottagey version would make a great gift for your Mom's garden/home. Just a friendly tip as her birthday and Mother's Day are quickly approaching. :-)
